Tripo Kokolja (1671 -1713)

Do you think you may own a painting by Tripo Kokolja?

Get a Kokolja Certificate of Authenticity for your painting (COA) for your Kokolja drawing.

For all your Kokolja artworks you need a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) in order to sell, to insure or to donate for a tax deduction.

Getting a Kokolja Certificate of Authenticity (COA) is easy. Just send us photos and dimensions and tell us what you know about the origin or history of your Kokolja painting or drawing.

If you want to sell your Kokolja painting or drawing use our selling services. We offer Kokolja selling help, selling advice, private treaty sales and full brokerage.

We have been authenticating Kokolja and issuing certificates of authenticity since 2002. We are recognized Kokolja experts and Kokolja certified appraisers. We issue COAs and appraisals for all Kokolja artworks.

Our Kokolja paintings and drawings authentications are accepted and respected worldwide.

Each COA is backed by in-depth research and analysis authentication reports.

The Kokolja certificates of authenticity we issue are based on solid, reliable and fully referenced art investigations, authentication research, analytical work and forensic studies.

We are available to examine your Kokolja painting or drawing anywhere in the world.

You will generally receive your certificates of authenticity and authentication report within two weeks. Some complicated cases with difficult to research Kokolja paintings or drawings take longer.

Our clients include Kokolja collectors, investors, tax authorities, insurance adjusters, appraisers, valuers, auctioneers, Federal agencies and many law firms.

We perform Tripo Kokolja art authentication, appraisal, certificates of authenticity (COA), analysis, research, scientific tests, full art authentications. We will help you sell your Tripo Kokolja or we will sell it for you.

1. Self Portrait of Tripo Kokolja

1. Self Portrait of Tripo Kokolja

2. Ceiling of Our Lady of the Rock, detail

2. Ceiling of Our Lady of the Rock, detail

Tripo Kokolja was a Venetian painter born on the Bay of Kotor, in what is presently Montenegro. Kokolja received a number of commissions from churches to depict various biblical scenes. He worked in a Baroque style, depicting such subjects as the Virgin, angels, prophets, etc.

3. Painting at Our Lady of the Rock in Perast.

3. Painting at Our Lady of the Rock in Perast.

In addition to his religious paintings, Kokolja painted a number of landscapes of the Adriatic and still life paintings of flower baskets.

Kokolja spent his later years in Croatia, painting for Dominican churches on various islands.

While little is known regarding the details of Kokolja’s life, his paintings serve an historic role in 17th century Montenegrin art. A bust was created in his birth town of Perast.

4. Bust of Kokolja in Perast

4. Bust of Kokolja in Perast

If you think you may own original artwork by Tripo Kokolja, contact Art Certification Experts for information regarding our services.


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About Us

Art Certification Experts is a leading authority in the field of paintings, drawings and prints authentication and appraisal. We authenticate, certify, issue COA and appraise artworks for auction houses, online selling services, art galleries, fine art museums, insurance companies, the US Marshals, other Federal Agencies, numerous law firms, and celebrities, worldwide. We also make our services available directly to private owners, art collectors, fine art investors, art speculators and treasure hunters.