Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566)

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We have been authenticating Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) and issuing certificates of authenticity since 2002. We are recognized Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) experts and Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) certified appraisers. We issue COAs and appraisals for all Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) artworks.

Our Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) paintings and drawings authentications are accepted and respected worldwide.

Each COA is backed by in-depth research and analysis authentication reports.

The Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) certificates of authenticity we issue are based on solid, reliable and fully referenced art investigations, authentication research, analytical work and forensic studies.

We are available to examine your Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) painting or drawing anywhere in the world.

You will generally receive your certificates of authenticity and authentication report within two weeks. Some complicated cases with difficult to research Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) paintings or drawings take longer.

Our clients include Taddeo Zuccari (1529 -1566) collectors, investors, tax authorities, insurance adjusters, appraisers, valuers, auctioneers, Federal agencies and many law firms.

We perform Taddeo Zuccari art authentication, appraisal, certificates of authenticity (COA), analysis, research, scientific tests, full art authentications. We will help you sell your Taddeo Zuccari or we will sell it for you.

Taddeo Zuccari, Sketch of a Man Sharpening a Quill

Sketch of a Man Sharpening a Quill

Taddeo Zuccari was an Italian painter, one of the most popular members of the Roman Mannerist school. He was born in Sant’Angelo in Vado, near Urbino. Taddeo was the son of Ottaviano Zuccari, an almost unknown painter, and his brother, Federico, born around 1540, was also a painter and architect.

Taddeo Zuccari, Adoration of the Kings 1550

Adoration of the Kings, 1550

Zuccari moved to Rome around the age of 14, and he quickly mastered the art of painting and also finding patrons to employ him. When Zuccari was seventeen, a pupil of Correggio, named Daniele da Parma, engaged him to assist in painting a series of frescoes in a chapel at Vitto near Sora, on the borders of the Abruzzi. Zuccari returned to Rome in 1548 and began his career as a fresco painter by executing a series of scenes in monochrome from the life of Marcus Furius Camillus on the front of the palace of a wealthy Roman named Jacopo Mattei. From that time his success was assured, and he was largely employed by the popes Julius III and Paul IV, the della Rovere duke of Urbino, and by other rich patrons. Zuccari is documented to have worked alongside Prospero Fontana in decorating the Villa Giulia. In 1556, he painted frescoed scenes of the Passion in the Cappella Mattei of Santa Maria della Consolazione.

Taddeo Zuccari, Conversion of St. Paul 1558

Conversion of St. Paul, 1558

Zuccari’s best frescoes were a historical series in quadro reportati painted on the walls and ceiling of Villa Farnese at Caprarola, built for Cardinal Alessandro Farnese. For the same villa, Zuccari also designed a great quantity of rich decorations in stucco relief after the style of Giulio Romano and other pupils of Raphael. Zuccari also painted Histories of Alexander in the Castello Orsini at Bracciano. Nearly all of his paintings were in fresco, very large in scale, often in chiaroscuro or monochrome, and are remarkable for rapidity of execution and a certain mannered style.

Taddeo Zuccari, Entrance of Emperor Charles V, Francis I of France and Alessandro Cardinal Farnese into Paris at the Villa Farnese, 1559

Entrance of Emperor Charles V, Francis I of France and Alessandro Cardinal Farnese into Paris at the Villa Farnese, 1559

Zuccari’s easel pictures are less common than his decorative frescoes. A small painting on copper of the Adoration of the Shepherds, formerly in the collection of James II, is now at Hampton Court Palace and is a work of very small merit. The Caprarola frescoes were engraved and published by Prenner, Illustri Fatti Farnesiani Coloriti nel Real Palazzo di Caprarola (Rome, 1748-50).

Taddeo Zuccari, Sketch of a Mother and Child

Sketch of a Mother and Child

Zuccari painted the Conversion of St. Paul in San Marcello al Corso in Rome. Zuccari died in Rome in 1566 and was buried in the Pantheon not far from Raphael. Still wondering about a painting in your family collection? Contact us. We are the Taddeo Zuccari experts.


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